By: sevaa | 03/21/17
In a recent article published in the Georgia Restaurant Association, Stephen Bradshaw provides insight to the tax credits Georgia restaurants and restaurant owners need to be aware of. He accomplishes this by discussing the Job Tax Credit, the Transferable Tax Credit and the Retraining Tax Credit in detail. For the Job Tax Credit, owners may be eligible for a $3,500 tax credit per job created for each of 5 years that they maintain those jobs, explains Bradshaw. The Transferable Tax Credits enables Georgia restaurant owners to purchase tax credits at a discount in order to offset their own income tax liability. Finally, Bradshaw explains how restaurant owners can benefit from the Retraining Tax Credit by qualifying for a Georgia tax credit of up to $1,250 per employee trained. Click here to read the full article.
For more information on tax credits for the hospitality industry, please contact Stephen Bradshaw by calling 770.396.2200.
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