Bennett Thrasher


Benefiting Tomorrow

The Bennett Thrasher Foundation is our way of giving back to the community. Each year, the Foundation enables us to devote considerable time and resources towards making the Atlanta community a better place.

Established in 2003, the Bennett Thrasher Foundation is governed by a board of directors comprised of Bennett Thrasher associates. These associates are responsible for carrying out the mission of assisting charitable organizations primarily in the Atlanta metropolitan area. Together with our time and monetary grants, the Foundation is funded from the firm’s top-line revenues.

BT Foundation and Hope Thru Soap

Our Mission

Through the Bennett Thrasher Foundation, Bennett Thrasher partners and associates give their talents, gifts and service to charitable organizations, fostering the long-term development and success of individuals in the Atlanta community.

Bennett Thrasher Foundation Board

The Bennett Thrasher Foundation is an essential part of the Bennett Thrasher community, not just for the relationships we build between the firm and the community, but for the wealth of opportunities created for partners and associates to give back.

Current officers serving on the Bennett Thrasher Foundation Board of Directors include:

President – Courtney O’Connor
Vice President – Brett Dixon
Treasurer – Thea Williams
Secretary – Miranda Smith

For more information on the Foundation, please contact [email protected].


We believe values are everything. You can’t have an effective, high-performing firm unless the people agree on the values that they are willing to fight for.

Ken ThrasherCo-Founding Partner

I truly believe that if we come in every day with the attitude that we can make something positive happen for our clients and for one another, we will.

Rick BennettCo-Founding Partner